Lesson 4 of 6
In Progress

Lesson 9: Risk & Issue Reporting

Isobel Boyes 4 April 2023


Additional categories

You may find that you get called upon to filter your results by additional categories or criteria. You can always add an extra column to the Log if needed.

You can add a Category column that meets your needs; this could be drop-down selections for:

  • Workstream
  • Which part of the team – Functional Leads, Testing, Business Readiness
  • Which department, organisation country location or hospital
  • Which part of the team – Functional Leads, Testing, Business Readiness
  • By stakeholder group

This additional filtering (let’s say in the example of a large NHS hospital Trust which has, say, 10 huge hospitals), it might be helpful to filter your Log by hosptial, so you can see which have the most/most severe risk/issue picture therefore allowing you to direct escalations and help to the areas that need it most.